Memories and Geography are two key elements in my art practice and they have been heavily featured in my recent social media posts.
It's been great reading the comments in response to these posts and I have learned about many holiday destinations and all the wonderful activities my followers partake in.
If you haven't had the opportunity to participate it's not a problem as there will be lots more posts for you to get involved in.
The importance of the link between Geography and nostalgia was made more clear in my work after receiving more commissions based on locations in peoples past.
Studio News
During the month of August I have been working on several projects.
My favourite projects to work on are commissions. I really enjoy being able to create something very personal for clients and to make connections with them from all over the world.
A side project I have been working on is creating small paperworks for selected art friends in exchange for a small piece of their work. This is helping to keep me and other artists, in Victoria, motivated. In addition, it will be nice to have a small collection of local artists on a dedicated wall in my home.
Check out the artists I have collaborated with so far.
I will blog more about this side project over the next month.
Checkout the works on paper now available in my shop